DAY 170 Quam bene vivas refert, non quam diu



We saw dragons at my dragon-school yesterday. A walk up Janiculum Hill past Acqua Paola fountain. Finally bought Dwana some Roman Coffee. Have not tasted coffee like that in a long while. We found the market at Campo de Fiori. Lots of water fountains but no bathrooms.

We saw dragons at my dragon-school yesterday. A walk up Janiculum Hill past Acqua Paola fountain. Finally bought Dwana some Roman Coffee. Have not tasted coffee like that in a long while. We found the market at Campo de Fiori. Lots of water fountains but no bathrooms. Today we had a late start of 9AM. All of the school children could be seen walking to school. Not too many children driving to school. Some were dropped off by scooter or car. We love hearing the violin and the Italian chatter below us from the cafes and restaurants. Today we walked up Janiculum hill in Trastevere. We passed the Aqcua Paulo and ate our breakfast. Lots of cars this morning. Sure is nice to walk earlier when there is less cars. We walked the ridge and had great views of the city below. One thick mass of buildings all the same height. Will this always be? Will Rome ever have change and build a tall skyscraper. I hope not. Even the immensity of the Colosseum fades away when you see from a distance. A kids area was and was thankfully closed since they charge 10 Euros for 20 minutes of playtime. That’s just for starters. I have been really good about trying ot spend our money frugally in this “not in our favor” Euro economy. So far. So good. I think. Every time I go to the market – at least $25. Not like SE ASIA. In SE ASIA we were living like kings. Now we are Roman peasants. But the Roman peasant lived a good life I am sure. I treated Dwana to here first cup of European coffee. Yum. We have been missing real coffee. We walked down and found the Campo de Fiori market area and purchased some more fruits and vegetables. At this point in our walk Dwana informed me of the urgent fact that Rome is lacking in the area of public bathrooms. We arrived home barely without anyone having an accident in their pants. Ezra and Viena played in our new place in the afternoon. I tried once again to find the playground next door, but ended up just walking around the block. All the walls are built up here, so a block is actually really a block. Hard to explain. You just have to walk the streets. Try this. Imagine if all your neighbors have 50 foot walls around their yard.

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