Thursday, 2 January 2014 DAY 621 278 MOON 22 NEW 0%
We walked/biked to SESC at mid-day. Umbrellas were definitely needed. I am not sure why we did not use umbrellas for shade protection earlier in our trip. SESC is about 1.5km away with broken sidewalks along the way. We love talking to all the big dogs that come up and “greet” us along the way. Today is hot, but SESC has plenty of shady spots. They have two playgrounds, an affordable place to eat and playrooms that have art and all sort of toys. I have been teaching Viena how to play chess. Ezra has been tired and crabby today. He woke up demanding chocolate milk. When he did receive some chocolate milk, the milk was soured from being out of date. The winds are blowing strong today. A guy is mowing the grounds with a masculine big hat. Viena is playing with some of the toys and wooden toys. A dad is trying to snooze in the corner. A mom is on her phone. The heat takes energy away from them all. I need to make a dental appointment. Now that 2014 is here, the reality of what 2014 will be for me, for us, has quickly taken shape. And yet what else might pull on us. I am going to try and run more, Yes, and place my body in better shape to run. I still have my 108 day program and this is the 2nd day of the second quarter of that program. I give myself a “C” as far as meeting the essence of the VIENA-EZRA. We live a magical life. We found a portable library and then we were visited by and invited to go see a witch’s house – casa das bruxa. We are sitting now on the shores of Cacupé. Ezra and Viena are eating meat slices and smiling at a newborn baby with a little diaper. The clouds are heavenly with a bright, swirl, dark swirl. Hopefully, we do not have any thunderstorms on the way home. “I’m a big baby!” Ezra says, as he chows down his third slice of meat.

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